
Showing posts from June, 2017

Weekly Update

Last week's word count was a bit low at 2417 due to the fact that I've been going into work early since the boss is on vacation, and my daughter was home over the weekend for a family reunion. Since I use her room as my writing space, I got zero accomplished Friday-Sunday. I did manage to do a little editing and I put together a montage for Ben. Goal is to finish up this week, but since the boss is still gone, time is going to be a problem. I had planned on doing the July Camp Nano, but I'm thinking about sitting this one out, due to interruptions that I already know are coming next month. Headphone rewrites are slated for the next project and I'm not sure how well that would work as a Camp project, anyway. See ya next week, hopefully with a better count!

Weekly Update

Not very much to report this week. My word count was only 2726, not even close to where I want to be. Life seems to be invading my writing time. I did get the epilogue written, though, so at least I have an ending. And, just for the fun of it, I threw together a "mood board" for Cherry. I'll do one for Ben next time.

Almost There!

       Quick update because time is short. I suppose that's part of it being summer. Plus, I let myself get distracted too easily! Anyway, my word count for last week was 3371 which puts me at the 50K mark-- my original goal. I also spent a little time yesterday plotting out the last few chapters, so hopefully, I'll be done in another 5K words or so-- ideally within the next two weeks. I'm past ready to be done with this one so I can start my rewrites on Headphones .        I might have gotten more written yesterday, but I spent my morning on a 1000 word blog post. If you're interested, you can find it [here]  at Bratwurst Times, called Silence Isn't Golden. I guess they're right when they say writers gotta write!


    As a parent we aren't supposed to pick a favorite-- I wonder if that holds true for authors.We create people, nourish them, give them life. They're a part of us. And still, I find I have favorites. Headphones was my first character, a persona I created for myself when I was in high school. At her inception, she represented my pain and fears of the future, all the teen angst that goes with preparing for adulthood. I used music as a buffer to the world, therefore, so did she.     Mick came to me one night in a dream, very real, completely fully formed. They told me they belonged together, and I had my first couple.     Then came Jay and Scoey. They will always be my special babies because they were the first same-sex couple I ever wrote. I didn't set out to do that, but a story idea popped in my head one day as I was stocking shelves at the store, and I knew after that I preferred writing m/m over f/m. I don't know why, really, I just do.    ...

It's June Already?

Gee-whiz, where is the year going? It's almost half over and it feels like it should still be March. Like they say, as we get older, time goes faster. One of the truest cliches I've ever heard! Anyway, low word count week for me, only hitting 2104. Again, a bit stalled on the storyline, partly because I was out of town for the weekend and partly because I'm at 46K on a story that I was planning on being around 50K and I still have a handful of plot points I had outlined and I don't want to try and squish them into 4K. So, I'm expanding my goal to 60K. 4000 a week will get me to the end of the month, and then maybe decide what I want to do about the July NaNo challenge. I've got a couple of new stories percolating in my brain, but I want to develop them more fully before I start writing, plus I reallllyyy want to get back to Headphones.  Have I ever mentioned I'm not very organized? This week's excerpt comes from Chapter 4, and it's Cherry and Ben...