Weak Weekly Update
I was completely unmotivated last week. Yes, I continued working on my edits; no, I didn't get very far. I find them almost impossible to stick with. I need to find a different system. Maybe write for 3/4 of my allotted time, edits for the other fourth. We'll see. So what I did was read. Naturally. I read Santino Hassell's Third Rail that is a leadup to Citywide , his collection of Five Boroughs shorts coming out November 13. If I've never mentioned that I love the 5B books, I'm mentioning it now. Never read them? Do it! I also read Sleigh Ride by Heidi Cullinan. She offered it free a few days ago, and I tend to grab free offerings. It's the second in the Minnesota Christmas series and now I really want to read the other three! And, I read Briefs by Anyta Sunday. It's a collection of happy-ending shorts. I read the first two, and maybe it was just my mood, but I found them a bit lack-luster. But I continued reading and really enjoyed ...