"Like Cracks In The Sidewalk" Quick Update

       Okay, it's still a working title. So, anyway, I've passed the 21000 word mark. Part of me feels it's moving too slowly, that the story should be further along at this point, but maybe it's not. I wish I was one of those writers that can go stream-of-conscious through the first draft and then edit. But I can't. I self-edit as I go. Each sentence is like Dumbledore pulling memories out of his head to put into the pensive. They're all fragile and have to be pulled out gently. I kind of want to print out what I have and read it all in one sitting, see if it feels cohesive before I move on to the next part, but then I think of all the paper and ink I'll have to use. Well, maybe another round of edits, then a quick print, and see where I end up.
        I'm starting to get more comfortable with the first-person perspective, although I've got the feeling the biggest part of editing is going to involve cutting down on the use of "I". How do some people make it look so effortless? I keep reminding myself that that's an illusion. I follow enough authors on Twitter to know they all struggle! Which I admit, I find assuring!


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