Happy New Year!

Ah, a new year. A time to start fresh. Forget the goals we didn't hit last year (because December was a bust--I didn't hit a single goal), and make new ones for this year. I'm not going to get into 2016 too much here--that's more for my personal blog (Bratwurst Times)-- but I think it was a challenging year for many of us. I will say, March was the high point when I got to spend time with my BFF in Florida and then traveled to Chicago to see An Evening With Noel Fielding and met some of my Tumblr friends. But since this is my writing blog, I'm going to talk about my high points on the writing front. I started and finished When Silverfish Dance and actually sent it to a few publishers. Then I decided to do another edit (which I am currently finishing up) and I'm hoping to start shopping it out again within the next couple of weeks.

I started writing Like Cracks in the Sidewalk in the second half of the year and finished it during the NaNo challenge. It needs extensive editing, but it topped off at around 84K words and I never thought it would be that long. I'm going to start edits on it hopefully next week. The story went places I didn't expect and I've got high hopes for it.

After that, I'm going to start my rewrites on Headphones. I'm hoping to edit it into a three-book set. Watch here--I'm going to ask for readers' advice on where/how to start!

I never had the confidence to write, even though that was one of the things I wanted to do when I was 18, and it took a mid-life crisis to decide it doesn't matter that I don't have a degree in writing (just lots of high school English/Lit and comp classes in college). I started writing Headphones when I was 17 but maybe I just needed life experience to finish it! Who knows? I'm watching a friend self-destruct as she goes through her own crisis, and I've never been so glad to realize I could have gone that way and instead I took a more creative path.

So my writing goals for 2017-- shop out "Silverfish" and "Cracks", finish Headphones, and then write my Ben and Cherry story for the Nano Challenge, all while formulating my Aja and Rollie story. (The creative process is fun!)

I raise my glass of Bailey's to you all! Stay safe and Happy New Year!


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