CampNaNo Halfway Mark: Embers and Flame

So here's the thing:

I've pushed and pulled and got Embers and Flame through Chapter 5, and I'm still really undecided if there is any chemistry between Ben and Cherry. I set a "goal" or a challenge to each story I write, and this one is supposed to be something light-- a rainy afternoon, don't really have to think too hard, kind of read. Give it a perusal if you're at all interested, but remember, it's a very rough first draft.

Something I want to mention is Ryan. Just so you know, he really is a decent guy and he did care for Cherry. They just simply weren't all that compatible--there was a lack of chemistry (yes, I love that word, just in case you were wondering about it). Cherry has a problem with self-esteem and he tends to blame himself for the breakup-- he dwells too much on the failure of the relationship. It's all still fresh enough that he tends to compare everything to Ryan, and it becomes a problem later in his relationship with Ben. So, the question at this point becomes, as I try to lay the groundwork for that conflict, is it coming through? Or is it just the opposite, and is becoming annoying? Let me know in the comments, please. Also, is the pace too slow? Too much narrative? And, obviously, is there any chemistry between Ben and Cherry?

*note: I've pulled the first 5 chapters. But if you are interested in being a Beta reader, contact me through the comments.


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