So Close I Can Feel It!

It was a good week. Monday kicked off a little slow, but I stayed pretty steady for the rest of the week. My word count was 8298, bringing this manuscript to 44324 words. Which means I've passed my goal of 40K, taking my WIP from a novella into novel territory. I had hoped to finish today, but I think I'm down to the final chapters. If not tomorrow then hopefully Tuesday. After that, I need to draft a 5-page synopsis and a query letter. I have until the weekend to do that. Ah, self-made goals!

I still have to decide on a title--Now. Added to that, I had the brilliant (?) idea to possibly, in the future, continue Jeb's story. So now I'm trying to think of a title that I can "add" to if it becomes a series. No pressure.

Short excerpt, featuring Jeb, because I really rather liked him there at the end:

Jordan studied the bubbles rising up in his beer mug. The frost on the sides was beginning to melt and drip down the side and he traced the paths with one finger, down to the bottom where the drops were soaking into the cardboard coaster. “Maybe you don’t know me as well as you think,” he said weakly.
Jeb studied the devastated look on Jordan’s face and felt a pang of remorse for what he’d said. “Maybe I don’t,” he said softly. He leaned forward and took Jordan’s hand, pulling it up to kiss his knuckles. “Listen, don’t pay any attention to me. I’m just jaded. The one relationship I was ever in for more than six months blew up in my face. I found my…” Jeb took a deep breath before he continued. “I thought we were forever, but we weren’t. He knew the way I felt, he knew he didn’t. But he let it go on way past its expiration date. If you think Reese is your forever guy…” He paused as his face hardened. “No, strike that. If you know you’re his forever guy, then do it. Jump off that ledge and dive into that deep water. Just remember, Jordan, you’re worth everything good. Don’t settle for less.”
Jordan felt a burn deep in his sinuses and fought to keep the tears out of his eyes. Still, he felt a drip from his nose and he wiped the back of his hand across his upper lip. “Fuck, Jeb, why you making me cry?”
“Because I’m an asshole!” he laughed, lightening the mood between them.


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