

   Ever since I finished Headphones at the end of 2015 I've thought I would like to revise it into book form--most probably as a 3 book series. At its core, Headphones is a study in relationships, with five very different couples working their way to a happy ending. I have debated endlessly with myself whether I should leave it as is, with the stories intertwined, or if I should attempt to deconstruct it and focus each book on a different couple. If a publishing house was the only way for it to ever see the light of day, I would consider it a must. But I have the option of self-publishing, so there is some leeway available.
     As much as I tried to break the story apart, I couldn't do it and keep the plotted story-line. Quite honestly, the reader needs to know something about Honey and Mark, Bets and Richard, and Elinor and Lenny, to understand why Headphones does what she does, and even why Scoey does what he does. I just don't feel like any of the relationships can stand alone.
     The problem is, it's a story with a dozen characters and I fear that the reader may be confused or simply bored before they have a chance to sink their teeth into the conflicts. I'm at the 20K mark which gets me through January (which was basically the introduction in the original version) and a few days into February. So basically, what I'm looking for is beta readers to read through this little bit and give me some feedback. PM me (Twitter, Tumblr or Facebook) or leave a comment here if you would be willing to give me a little bit of your time. Thanks!


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