Mid March Update

     I've not updated for a while, but to be honest, I haven't felt overly productive lately. I finished the editing on Embers and Flame and got a good start on the second installment of Headphones, plus adding a few words here and there to Cut Shot. But there was a major upheaval in M/M Romance Twitterland last week that put me into a deep state of mourning that made me question whether or not I wanted to continue. But I've put too much of my heart, not to mention time, into my writing to throw my hands up and be done. So, this is what I'm going to do:

     Over the next few weeks, I'm going to pop around from project to project. I've found that while doing the Headphones rewrites I feel like I'm losing my ability to come up with new content. Now probably that's not true. But imagining the characters, bringing them to life, is what I like to do. Originally I was going to complete the first draft of the Headphones series before moving to other things. I'm not enjoying it. So, I'm going to give my first family some dedicated time each week, but I'm not going to ignore the rest. We are going on vacation for the first half of April, so I'm going to work on getting myself organized before then, and once I'm home, I'll be fresh and ready to hit it hard--and maybe by then things will be settled down and I'll be able to focus again. Cut Shot was originally planned for the July Camp NaNo. I'm going to set my goal at 50K. A bit high for a summer month, but if I can get anywhere close, I'll be happy.

     I also realize that I need to limit my time on social media. The first step is removing negative people from my feed. It's probably not that easy, but it feels like a good place to start. I've already started and will continue to do so as long as needed. I've come to believe some people simply enjoy the drama.

     So I may not be updating often, but I'll pop in when I can. Thanks for reading.


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