Bio Blurb

Playing with a bio blurb. This is what I came up with:

Sadie Jay grew up amongst the Illinois cornfields but instead of wandering the rows of cornstalks, she wandered the library’s book stacks. She majored in psychology even as she dreamed of being a writer. For a couple dozen years, her family and an ever-revolving mini-zoo kept her occupied.

Instead of a shiny mid-life-crisis car, Sadie discovered fandom in her late 40s and, better yet, fanfiction. She wrote her first m/m short when she was 48, and soon turned that into full-length novels. The discovery of supportive writers’ groups online sealed the deal and she’s been writing ever since.

Now a grocery pimp by day and a writer of relationships by night, Sadie gives her gay and bi men all the angst, but they also always get their well-deserved happy ending! 


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