Rainbow Snippet
What a week. The boss had surgery and all of our "kids" went on vacation or to camp. In twenty years, that's never happened. But it also meant us "adults" had to adjust our shifts and put in some extra hours. Needless to say, it's been a long week. Still, I've managed to get some writing time in and I'm only a little behind on my Camp NaNo goal. I have less than 3000 words to go. It'll be close, but I'm going to try! The bad news is, it's not going to be enough to tie up this story. The good news is, the end is in sight. I'm not sure why Cut Shot is taking so long and I just hope it's coherent when it's done. My word count at this juncture is 51k. My goal for this WIP was between 53k-55k, but I'll go over that. Hopefully, I'll keep it under 60k. I don't want it to go much longer than the first in the series. Something to note: I made a change to the MC's name. He's been Jeb/Jebidiah...