Rainbow Snippet

What a week. The boss had surgery and all of our "kids" went on vacation or to camp. In twenty years, that's never happened. But it also meant us "adults" had to adjust our shifts and put in some extra hours. Needless to say, it's been a long week. Still, I've managed to get some writing time in and I'm only a little behind on my Camp NaNo goal. I have less than 3000 words to go. It'll be close, but I'm going to try! 
         The bad news is, it's not going to be enough to tie up this story. The good news is, the end is in sight. I'm not sure why Cut Shot is taking so long and I just hope it's coherent when it's done. My word count at this juncture is 51k. My goal for this WIP was between 53k-55k, but I'll go over that. Hopefully, I'll keep it under 60k. I don't want it to go much longer than the first in the series. 
         Something to note: I made a change to the MC's name. He's been Jeb/Jebidiah since Blind Anti, but I realized that his mother gave all of her children biblical names. Whoops! So a quick check and a couple of "search and replace's and now he's Jed/Jedidiah. It's only one letter, but sometimes it only takes one sentence to throw everything off!

Excerpt from Chapter 10:

Ian tensed up, his thoughts disrupted when the doorknob jiggled, but he smiled when Georgia stepped out, lighting a cigarette. “I didn’t know you smoked.”
“I don’t. I stole some of Uncle Vern’s. Want one?”
“No, but thanks. It took me forever to quit. I don’t want to tempt fate.” And oh my God, had he stumbled into some weird time vortex? He was crushing on the hot long-haired bad-boy while his cousin was stealing cigarettes. He half expected Paul to sneak up with a half-bottle of his dad’s Jack Daniels with Jed in tow. They could slip away to the clearing out back, build a bonfire, and couple up to make out amongst the trees. 

 Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


  1. Sounds like a fun party. ~grin~ Good catch on the name. Thank you for sharing. And Happy Writing!

  2. Jack Daniels, I approve :D Good for Ian to not give in to temptation.

  3. Love the "weird time vortex." (I've had moments like that.)

  4. That doesn't sound like such a bad plan, Ian! Go for it! ♡

  5. I don't blame him for not tempting fate.


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