Rainbow Snippets* --Pity The Unorganized

I wanted to have this first revision/edit done on When Silverfish Dance by the 15th so I could spend the rest of the month preparing for NaNo, but it's not happening. I'm so undecided about what I want to do anyway. I've been jotting notes for my next two projects, plus I need to finish up Headphones. I wanted to start something new but a voice in my head keeps yelling at me to focus on what's written and start publishing instead of adding to the list! (Probably, I just need to get better organized.)

Anyway, this week's snippet is another from When Silverfish Dance. This paragraph is about Barry's cat but its purpose is character building, showing that he really doesn't have anyone in his life. He has no family and his few friends are co-workers. And yet, he's an upbeat, happy person most of the time.

“Well, that was a waste of a perfectly good meal,” Barry said aloud, directing the words at Hilton where she lay on his chest, gently purring and sharing her warmth. She tipped forward and touched her nose against his, cool and slightly damp, maybe in sympathy or maybe because it’s something cats simply do. He’d rescued her outside the Hilton one night, this kitten that was all skinny legs and big ears on a night grown too loud and too threatening. He’d scooped up the mangy creature, only meaning to get her out of harm's way. But she slipped from his hands to curl up inside his jacket next to his heart as he hurried down the sidewalk, her tiny claws scraping against his chest, bracing herself as he ran. They made it to his apartment, safe and whole, and she grew into those legs and ears. Some would say she was only a cat, but she was his anchor, his reason to always come home.

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


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