Rainbow Snippets*-- Too Little Time

I've pretty well given up on NaNoWriMo. Just too much else going on this month for me to devote the time I need. It doesn't mean I'm giving up on Smoke and Sparks (which I think is the official title if I don't change it again!) but I'm also not going to get stressed for not making much progress. It's just simply impossible to concentrate and write when I'm thinking about the other five things I need to get done.

The first few chapters were the "introduction" chapters and now I'm getting into the set up that will (hopefully) define Vaughn and Daryl's relationship. They had an instant attraction when they met, but they live too far apart to have accidental run-ins. Instead, for the last few weeks, they've been texting. Also of note, Daryl is from a small southern Indiana town where half the population is related. (Mike, Daryl, Ben, and Larry are all cousins.)

This snippet is Daryl's pov:

Oh. My. God! I’d just sent Vaughn an almost-dick pic!  
Before I could have a total mental meltdown in front of Larry, Mike interrupted. “Hey, Turkey, some of us are going camping again this weekend. Ben said to ask if you want to go.” He glanced over to see if Larry was still listening and then leaned in to whisper, “Vaughn’ll be there.”
My heart sped up at the prospect of seeing him again, but I did my best to act cool. “Maybe. I’ll have to see if we have anything planned.”
“We?” Mike asked with his eyebrows raised. He wasn’t fooled in the least.
“We. You know, like, the family.”
“The family doesn’t have anything planned. Pack a bag. You’re sharing a tent with Eric.”
That was the problem with spending every waking hour surrounded by extended family. Everyone knew what was going on with everyone else.
“Fine,” I said in mock surrender.

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


  1. We share the same dilemma about NaNoWriMo (wry grin) Sweet snippet!

  2. Now I want to know what an "almost-dic pic" is! 😆❤️

  3. Hahhaha I'm with Addison on the almost dick pic


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