Rainbow Snippets* --Happy New Year!

2018. What can I say? I'm at that age where one asks "Where has the time gone?" but at the same time, in so many ways, this year has seemed endless. My goal for 2018 had been to start publishing and I did manage to have one short story published, so I met that goal; just maybe not in the way I meant. Therefore, my goal for 2019 is to get brave, make concrete decisions, and publish at least one of my books! That's as far as my resolutions go. (after all, who likes a skinny, sober bitch anyway?!) 

My snippet this week comes from one of my first manuscripts, When Silverfish Dance. It's not a romance so much as a Suspense with Romantic elements. In other words, it ends with a HFN instead of a HEA. Although, if I ever manage to write the sequel...!

It's New Year's Eve, 1973, and the two main characters, Morgan and Barry, are pretending to be a couple. Sometimes the lines blur:

Barry looked up at him with a small smile and said, “Look, it’s almost midnight.” Morgan caught the relief in his voice, even if the other two didn’t.
They all turned to watch as the band leader led them all in the countdown. “10, 9.” Morgan slid his arm further around Barry to pull him close. “8, 7.” Barry did the same, snaking his arm around to lay his hand flat on Morgan’s hip. “6, 5.” Morgan looked down at Barry, still curious about what he’d missed, “4, 3,” as Barry looked up at him questioningly. Were they supposed to kiss? Here, in public? “2! 1! Happy New Year!” everyone shouted. Morgan pulled him around and tilted his head up with a finger under his chin. “Happy 1974, Barry.” He didn’t answer; instead, he lifted his lips to Morgan’s and held on as if he was holding onto life itself. When he pulled away he found Greg watching them over Christina’s shoulder, and again he wondered if it was curiosity or revulsion.

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


  1. Beautiful pacing in this snippet.

  2. Yikes. The 1970s were not a friendly time for so many of us.

    1. It was an interesting book to write. I was old enough in '73 to remember, but young enough I had to research and double check everything. I based some of the story on a conversation I had with a friend who is a little younger than me but his husband is older and was in his early/mid teens at the time. I tried to keep it all in mind as I wrote.

  3. I actually remember the party I was at on New Year's Eve, 1973. This brought back some memories!

  4. Perfect snippet for this week! So sweet! ❤️

  5. That's a perfect snippet for the New Year.

  6. That last line is very telling for the time period.


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