Rainbow Snippets*-- Hello December!

Wow, where has the year gone? In some ways, it feels like it's been a long year, but at the same time, it's hard to believe we're only a few weeks away from 2019. My goal for 2018 was to start publishing. And I did, sort of. I had a short story included in an anthology. So I'm going to consider that a positive.

As I said previously, NaNo was a bust simply because I didn't have the time to dedicate to the project. I did end up over 10k in Smoke and Sparks, which is always my "mark" that this is a real story that's going to happen. I'm hoping to keep this story a bit light without my typical angst, but I guess I'll see where it goes. Like usual, I'm basically pantsering this. I have a vague idea of future events, but vague is the keyword at this point. Fingers crossed, it'll all fall together!

Today's snippet is the beginning of the weekend at a campground. It's been several weeks since Vaughn and Daryl first met and they've been texting but they live 200 miles apart so this is the first time they've gotten together:

            I swung my arm across Daryl’s shoulders when he stopped next to me. He relaxed against me but it was a subtle thing, a shift of muscle and bone that he probably wasn’t aware of. Neither of us are very curvy, but the few dips and juts of our bodies slid together like we were puzzle pieces. My heart beat a little faster as another image flashed in my thoughts; not of us side by side, but front to front. I wondered how that would work with our height difference, how we would fit. Even more, I wondered if he imagined that, too. But he tensed up when Mike bellowed, “Hey, Turkey, come help me!
            “Damn it, Mike,” he muttered and he looked up to give me an apologetic smile before he slipped away leaving me feeling oddly bereft.

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


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