Rainbow Snippets*-- The Cocky Cockers

I'm taking a break from Smoke and Sparks this weekend and taking a small jump back to last year. I got involved in an anthology during #Cockygate and the theme, so to speak, was Cocker Spaniels. We did it as a fundraiser to help with legal fees for authors who were hurt by it. Since it wasn't needed, it was decided to donate the money to the RWA Perseverance fund. It was always meant to be a limited run and the book will be pulled from Amazon at the end of the week, which is how it should be.

I'm proud of my little story, Cocky Lady, and so enjoyed writing it. It's about Ethan and his dog, Lady. And yes, Lady and the Tramp was his favorite movie when he was a boy.

I found my favorite bench overlooking the duck pond and unhooked Lady’s leash. I never worried about letting her loose—she was good about staying close. Usually, she nosed around and maybe chased a toad or a cricket, but she never strayed. Which is why I panicked when I lost sight of her.
“Lady, here, girl!”
I jumped from my seat and then spun, not sure which way to search. My heart dropped. What if I didn’t find her? What if someone took her, or she ran into the street? I couldn’t think, couldn’t make my thoughts coherent. I quit moving and took a deep breath. I was doing her no good by falling apart, so I closed my eyes and pulled myself together. Once I was calm, I opened my eyes and picked the direction from which we’d come. Three steps and I saw her. There was relief, yes, but what I found made me stop in my tracks as if I’d walked into an invisible wall. It was him. Tramp in human form. And my Lady was sitting on his lap, acting as if she’d known him forever.

The stories ranged from sweet to hot and hit all kinds of genres. A bit of something for everyone! This link won't work after Thursday, but if anyone is interested between then and now, click here

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


  1. Love the sound of this story. Looking forward to hearing more about Tramp :)

  2. OMG, I can't tell you how many times I was forced to watch Lady and the Tramp when my daughter was little! (Pregnancy bedrest in the room with the TV...) Is there a romantic spaghetti dinner in the offing?

  3. Nice! Sounds like this'll be a fun meet up. :-)

  4. Tramp in human form, boy does that paint a picture.


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