Rainbow Snippets*-- Éirinn Go Brách

Happy St. Patrick's day! My ancestry is heavy on the Irish, but the only recipe that got handed down was Grandma's ribs and kraut with dumplings. I'm not kidding when I say it's one of my favorite meals. No corned beef and cabbage for us! I did bake some cookies, though, to celebrate my heritage.

 I made some progress on Smoke and Sparks this week. Which, yeah me! I'm shooting for 60k on this book because that's the word count in the first book of the series and I like to stay consistent, but I'll be happy with anything over 55k. And since I'm past 47k now and still have two beats and the epilogue, I don't think it'll be a problem. If I can keep up my momentum, I should be done just in time to start my CampNaNo project!

In last week's snippet, Daryl came out to his mother and it went well. He wasn't overly worried about it because his cousin Ben had come out only a few months earlier with little fanfare. Daryl has convinced Vaughn to come home with him for Thanksgiving. This snippet is from Vaughn's POV. 
notes--Mike is another cousin and Vaughn's father is a mega-church preacher:

I’d stood in front of congregations 500 strong, leading songs and reading Bible passages, and hadn’t been as nervous as I was standing in the Bennett homestead. There were people everywhere, equal parts adults and children. But most intimidating was Daryl’s parents. His mom was petite and dark while his dad was as tall as me, only broad across the shoulders and thick waisted. Mike, the only person I recognized in the throng, looked more like his son than Daryl did. But then Mike’s dad introduced himself and the family resemblance was clear. 
Apparently, Daryl was a changeling.

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


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