Rainbow Snippets* -- Slow and Steady

Camp NaNo starts in three weeks and I'd hoped to have Smoke and Sparks done by then so I could work on another project in April, but unless there is some miracle where I get more hours in my days, I'm not going to finish this current WIP in time. But that's okay. Slow and steady is still progress.

This week's snippet is from Daryl's POV. I've gone back a few chapters to when Daryl has accepted the job offer in St. Louis and made plans to move in with Vaughn. He'd not come out to his family yet, but his mom has heard the rumors and starts the conversation herself:

“So when I said someday you’d meet the right girl…?”
Could she please quit asking these open-ended questions? I couldn’t work out what she wanted to know. “I figured you were right. That I hadn’t met the right girl.” The words came out sharper than I meant them to and her eyes widened. I softened my tone. “I didn’t know then that the right girl was a guy. I really didn’t know. But I maybe suspected. And although I like him, he’s not my boyfriend.”
“Okay.” She said it as if it was two words, the second syllable rising slightly; she didn’t believe me. Again there was silence between us and this time it wasn’t quite so easy, but finally, she took a deep breath and smiled. “I just want you to be happy. That’s all I want for all my kids. I’d like to meet your Vaughn.”
I shook my head but refrained from saying “he’s not my Vaughn” because I kind of liked the sound of it.

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


  1. Oh, wow, the tension breathing through this with him trying to say this and her trying to accept it...powerful snippet (heart)

  2. Ah, those coming-out conversations. Some are definitely more awkward than others!

  3. Aw. Mom is sweet, but I love the last line especially.

  4. Glad to hear his mum is supportive and only wants him to be happy.

  5. Aww...I'm glad that worked out well for him! ❤️

  6. It's nice that his mom is being supportive.

  7. Nice, Mom, but don't be so pushy about the forever afters, okay?

  8. Aw. Lovely to see her being supportive. And I love that last line.

  9. Those convos are always awkward but thank goodness his Mum is supportive :)


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