Rainbow Snippets* -- Explaining Headphones

It has definitely begun to feel like Spring, although the weatherman says we're going to have a few cold nights yet. But I've not needed the scarf and gloves and extra layers for the walk to work, so I'm past happy!

For the next few months, I'm going to be concentrating on my Headphones trilogy. It's a bit hard to explain and writing the blurb, when that time comes, is going to be a killer! It's an ensemble story with five different couples (each representing a different trope) all braided together, centered around the young woman they call Headphones. The story covers one year, starting January 1st and ends on the next January 1st.

The last couple of weeks I've done snippets of Headphones and Mick, but this week I'm introducing another couple: Jay and Scoey. Jay is an androgynous keyboard player and part-time bartender, Scoey is the brother of Richard, who is the drummer of the band and owner of the bar where the group hangs out. Today's snippet comes from the first book and is the day Jay and Scoey meet:

The guy was tall. That was the first thing Jay noticed. His sandy hair was cut in a military style but had grown enough to have the beginning of a curl. Even in the dimness of the bar, enough light came through the window for him to see the man’s eyes were dark brown, and he had a straight nose and a generous mouth. His too-loose clothes made Jay think he’d lost some weight lately, but the way he moved suggested a muscular body. Yup, the man was completely delicious and definitely not a student. A visiting professor, perhaps?     
“Nice,” Jay said under his breath, completely forgetting he’d sworn off dating. He called across the room with a smile on his face and in his voice, “Can I help you?”
Richard glanced at Jay from where he was working on the liquor order and then over at the object of Jay’s attention. With a wide grin, he chuckled, “You’re not his type,” and headed around the bar.

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


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