Rainbow Snippets* -- It's Raining Cats and Dogs!

Or is that kittens and puppies? Mother's Day isn't something we really celebrate here in the House of Jones. But there's no rain in the forecast today, so I'll probably do some grilling. We do have a "new" addition to the household, tho, making me a Grandma of sorts, so I guess I can "celebrate" that. A feral kitten that we'd managed to tame surprised us with a kitten of her own. Thank goodness she only had the one. Hopefully, we can get her to the vet before we end up with a full litter! Introducing week-old Peppercorn.

This week's snippet once again comes from the first book of the Headphones series. And even though it's an ensemble story, I'm focusing on Scoey and Jay's relationship. In today's scene, the two have known each other for about a month and are working together as bartenders. Jay, who is bi, is being harassed by his ex, Crissy, and Scoey has had enough of it:

             Crissy abruptly stopped her verbal abuse and looked around before loudly demanding, “So, which skank are you banging now?”
Jay’s face flushed bright red. Enough was enough. Turning around, he swung his arm around Jay’s shoulders. Startled, Jay glanced up at the taller man to see Scoey’s eyes light up as a mischievous smile tipped the corners of his mouth. Tilting his head down to meet Jay’s uplifted face, he gave him a small kiss, nothing more than lips to lips, and responded to Crissy with “I’m the skank he’s banging now, bitch.”

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


  1. LOL. Or about to be, anyway? ❤️

  2. Heh, quite the comeback! :) Peppercorn looks adorable (heart)

  3. Peppercorn is adorable.

    And that was the best clapback Scoey gave her.


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