Rainbow Snippets*-- Dreams

 The further adventures of Peppercorn! (because he's still the main attraction at our house right now!) He turns 3 weeks old today and he's on the move! We had a box set up for Howie to keep him in, but she can't keep him there anymore. We've been bringing him into the main part of the house to get him used to it, and for our indoor cats to get to know him. This is the first time I've ever had a cat from birth. So much fun!

On the writing front, I'm making progress on the third book of the Headphones trilogy. My snippet is again from the first book, In From the Cold. And continuing with the Rainbow part of Rainbow Snippets, I'm taking from Jay and Scoey's building relationship. Poor Scoey--he's demisexual but doesn't know it. So his attraction to Jay throws him because he's never been attracted to a man before and it really messes with his idea of himself. As part of his torture, he begins to have dreams: 

Scoey couldn’t take his eyes off the way Jay’s thigh muscles flexed as he walked towards him. “What’s with the get-up? What are you doing?” Jay stopped in front of him, so close he could smell his hairspray and soap. His normally smooth hair was teased up in a black cloud that framed his face while thick eyeliner made his eyes appear even bigger than normal. His pale skin glowed through a fishnet shirt that was barely worth the name. Bulges and dips shone white where tight black leather fit like a second skin and impossibly high-heeled boots cradled his calves, making his legs unnaturally long.
“Do you like what you see?” Hair brushed against Scoey's cheek as Jay leaned forward to whisper in his ear. “I think you do.”

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


  1. I think he does, too! (and who can blame him?) ❤️

  2. Such beautiful description! Peppercorn just keeps getting cuter and cuter (heart)

  3. Love the description. And Peppercorn is just adorable!


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