Rainbow Snippets-- I Can See The End!

We had a disaster a week and a half ago. We took Howie, Peppercorn's mom, to the vet to get her spayed and when we picked her up, there was a carrier malfunction as we were putting her in the car, causing the door to pop open. In usual cat behavior, she bolted. Sadly, the veterinarian is in a different town. We've gone daily to look for her and talked to people and put up flyers, but at this point in time, we've not found her. It's been rough on us, with a ton of guilt to weigh down the sadness. But Peppercorn is thriving, and his Uncle Smooth has stepped up. I just hope, if we don't get her back, that she at least finds someone to take her in because she really is a sweet cat.  

On the writing front, I'm on track to finish this first draft of Headphones: Fall Out within the next two weeks. And then start with all the edits! I've focused on Jay and Scoey's relationship lately, but I'm swinging back to Mick and Headphones for the moment. Mick was in a successful band with his best friend, Joey, but that all ended when Joey died. 

Morning found [Headphones] warm and sated and happy, curled up next to Mick as she watched dust particles float in the sunlight; slowly churning glitter that was beautiful in a way.
Out of nowhere, she asked, “Were you and Joey lovers?”
He choked in his surprise. “No!”
“I read it once,” she said. “Well, more than once. In the tabloids after he died. It’s okay if you were. I don’t care.”
(Mick's response next week!)

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


  1. Aww, poor kitty! I hope she's okay, and that you find her. ❤️

    I'm anxiously awaiting Mick's response!

  2. Exquisite snippet! (heart) I'm so sorry about Howie...I really hope you find her. ;_; The picture above of Peppercorn, is it with his mom or his uncle? It's absolutely adorable. (heart)

    1. That's with his uncle, one of Howie's litter mates. He's so good with the kitten.

  3. I hope you get Howie back. I'd be a basket case.
    And I love this snip and her non-judgemental air...

  4. I'm so sorry about Howie! I hope you find her!

    Looking forward to Mick's response.


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