Rainbow Snippets*-- July Already?

I think I've mentioned before, but just in case not, Headphones features an ensemble cast. It's probably not marketable, but sometimes we write something because it's in our head and needs to come out. Headphones is that for me. I tried to write a blurb for it this week, but it feels flat. How to summarize a 3-book series in less than 300 words? Ah, the joys of writing!

This week's Peppercorn picture. 9 weeks old. (he was 2 months on the 5th)

 This week's snippet comes from book 2, Sunshine Smile. Honey and Lenny are two of Headphones' housemates (and Lenny is in the band that Headphones plays guitar for), while Annalise is, well, a problem. In more ways than one:

“Shit! Dammit!” Headphones was kicking cushions around and cussing a blue streak. “Motherfucker!” Honey and Lenny stood back, stunned. 
“Are ya sure she ain’t got Tourettes?” Honey wondered aloud.
“Frith on a Frito!” the girl snarled.
Lenny’s paralysis broke and he stepped forward, drawing her attention to the fact that she wasn’t alone. Headphones stopped her frantic motions and stared at the two as if they’d appeared out of thin air. “What’s wrong?”
“Annalise is here.” The statement was matter-of-fact, a calmness in the tone that belied the turmoil of only moments ago. She looked at them expectantly, as if the three words were explanation enough. She tightened her mouth and widened her eyes as she tilted her head at their blank looks. “Here. Now. To watch us practice.” When neither responded, her previous animation started to bubble back up. “Why is she here?”

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


  1. I wonder why that upsets her so much...

  2. Hmm, makes me wonder about the backstory causing Headphones' turmoil here. 💖

  3. Makes complete sense to me. I'd hate being observed while practicing, too.

  4. Obviously, she doesn't want that person there. Wonder why?


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