Rainbow Snippets* -- Trick or Treat!

I haven't posted any Peppercorn pictures lately, but he'll be 6 months old this week. He's gotten so big! I really didn't want another cat since we already had two, but I don't regret keeping him at all. He's active and has kept our two older boys on their toes, but he's beginning to calm down. I fear a Christmas tree might not be advisable this year, though!

I have two books with Halloween scenes simply because costumes are fun! I should have thought about this earlier in the month, but since I'm working weekends now, I'm totally off my schedule and apparently unable to think ahead. I just realized I tend to write holidays into most of my books. Maybe because there are usually emotions involved and that's what I write? It's as good a theory as any. So this week's snippet is going to be the opening of the Halloween scene taken from the third book of the Headphones series:

        Scoey adjusted his cuffs. He was sure he looked ridiculous. The shirt was too tight across his chest--but then again, the whole outfit was tight. The vertically striped pants were cut weird, loose in the waist but straining across the fly and his ass. Knowing Jay, that’s why he’d picked them out. After all, this was his idea. He’d insisted since Halloween was on a Saturday night, the bar was going to attract a huge crowd, so they should all do costumes. He and Headphones had teamed up and worked diligently over the last few weeks, putting outfits together for the group, sorting through attic boxes, scouring thrift shops, and even pulling out an old sewing machine they’d found in a hidden corner. He wouldn’t admit it, but Scoey was impressed. Who would have guessed that Jay was such a competent tailor? Studying himself in the mirror, Scoey had flashbacks of his mom’s Bobby Sherman albums. Chances were they’d all look like ‘60s throwbacks. (to be continued)

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


  1. Oh, dear.I can't wait to "see" the other outfits. (I gather that no one was consulted about what costumes they'd like?)

  2. Nice description! Aww, Peppercorn is all grown up (heart)

  3. Peppercorn is so cute! That's quite a costume :) I'm looking forward to the rest too.

  4. Loved the description of his costume (Peppercorn is so cute)


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