Rainbow Snippets*--When Writing is Fun

This week's snippet is the opening lines to a short I'm working on for a charity anthology. The theme is "vampires in the workplace" which is completely outside my comfort zone. And I was surprised by how fun it was to write! I'm even thinking about expanding it once I get my rights back, possibly create a series of novelettes that start with Aja's change and include the stories of side characters. I love it when writing is exciting.

Fangs For the Memories is a second-chance romance and the MCs, Rollie and Aja (known to Rollie as Alex), haven't seen each other in 15 years. It's told from Rollie's pov: 

“Excuse me. The other bartender, what’s his name?” I asked the young man as he handed me my drink. “He looks familiar,” I explained, not wanting to sound like a stalker.
“Aja,” he answered dryly.
“Like the Continent?”
“Not Asia. A-J-A. Like the Steely Dan song.” It was clearly an oft-times repeated response.
“Guess I don’t know him, then,” I mumbled, but to no one--he’d already moved on to his next customer.

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


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