Rainbow Snippets*-- A Wish for Greener Things

The February blahs have hit me hard. Except for a couple of nonseasonal nice days last weekend, it's been cold with snow flurries. Not enough to have to shovel the walk, but enough to make everything wet and uncomfortable. I'm finding it hard to get interested in anything-- reading, movies, work. Spring can't get here soon enough!

From Headphones: Sunshine Smile, Jay is a keyboardist in the band, Blue Mick, with Scoey's brother, Richard. When Scoey isn't working, he likes to watch the band rehearse. To call Jay a tease is an understatement:

            Mick was running through the playlist for their next gig as Jay slipped onto the closest stool. A rumble in his belly and a lone banana lying forgotten and forlorn reminded him he’d not thought to grab something to eat in his still agitated state as he drove across town. He concentrated more on partially peeling the fruit than he did on Mick and what he was saying. He rolled a small bite on his tongue, playing with it before swallowing, the sweetness a delight of sensory overload as he sat with his eyes closed, simply concentrating on the flavor. 
Tuning back into his surroundings, he peered up through his eyelashes to find Scoey watching him from his usual spot in the shadows. His inner imp couldn’t resist tormenting the man; he wrapped his lips around the end of the banana, holding it there with his teeth for a moment before slowing sucking in his cheeks. Scoey’s eyes were glued to Jay’s mouth and they widened when he looked up to lock eyes with the object of his fascination.
(Scoey's reaction next week.)

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


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