Rainbow Snippets*-- Hoping For A Green Thumb

      It's been a crazy week, weather-wise. The high school's FFA (Future Farmers of America, for any that don't know) was selling plants --by appointment-- and I bought some tomato plants. And on our one nice day this week, the husband and I planted the garden. Unfortunately, I didn't have a big variety of seeds so we planted what we had and if they do well, I'm hoping to "barter" for the things I'm not growing. I think we'll see more "victory gardens" this year, maybe.  

      I've seen numerous posts both on FaceBook and Twitter, people asking how the pandemic was affecting everyone's writing. I have a scene where Jay is sick and Scoey plays nurse. I originally wrote it in 2015 and poor Jay had the flu. Acceptable then but maybe not so much right now. As I was doing my final edit, my fingers hovered over the keyboard. What to do? Because everything in the story connects to something else or has a purpose, so totally cutting the scene was going to affect several later scenes. So Jay's flu became a cold and I only had to change a few words here and there (I sooo hope I caught them all!). For the writers out there, have you had to adjust anything?

The walk down the hall had sapped Jay of his strength and he plopped down gratefully, if not ungracefully. Setting the mug down, Scoey smoothed his pillow-tasseled hair and then ran his hand over his unshaven cheek. “I’ve never seen you with stubble, even when I was staying here.” 
“Yeah, sorry. I know, it’s hideous. I’ll shave as soon as I get some energy back.”
Scoey hesitated, hand still cupping Jay’s chin. “Wait until you’re better.”
With a wicked gleam in his eye and a flush across his cheeks, Scoey grinned. “I don’t know. I kind of like you all scruffy. It makes you look rugged.”

The story starts with book 1, In From The Cold

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


  1. Loved the sensory details. No, can't say I've adjusted anything story-wise because of the pandemic.


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