Rainbow Snippets*-- Sheltering in Place

I had to retreat. I've always been calm and organized and sensible. But the pressure of too many store customers not taking the sheltering order seriously began to wear on me, to the point I was having physical symptoms. So I requested a leave of absence, as did my husband. We are home now, self-isolating. I'm feeling oddly guilty but I'd gotten to the point where I literally wasn't breathing and was having chest pains. These are scary times.

On the writing front, I've finished my edits on the Headphones series and am working on covers and blurbs. I'm going to be so happy to publish it and move on to my next project!

Speaking of which, the vampire anthology I'm participating in will be released May 1st. I've read some of the other stories and they are so good. I can't wait to read them all. This is the opening of my contribution, Fangs for the Memories

I’d staked him--fifteen years ago to the day, to be exact. The other bartender had called him Aja but I’d known him as Alex when attending college in Colorado. To find him behind a bar in Jacksonville, Florida came a close second to discovering he was alive. He was acting like he didn’t know I was there, although I caught him glancing at me several times. That sick feeling was stone-like in my stomach and I wished I didn’t remember those minutes as vividly as I did. But every second was etched into my brain: the resistance of his clothing and skin, the squelch of muscle when the tip of the stake finally broke through.

I have an author page on Facebook now, so please join me there!  Sadie Jay--Writer of Relationships

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


  1. Nice description of the staking!! Take care! <3

  2. Intense snippet, bringing to life each sensation with striking vividness, making the hairs stand up on the back of my neck! Excellent job! Sending you virtual hugs...(hugs)

  3. Vivid description. Curious to know more about the two of them, and how he survived being staked.

  4. Love the description of staking him.


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