Rainbow Snippets*-- Sunshine and Irises

I've tried to concentrate on writing this week and I did manage more words than the week prior. For the most part, it's been rainy and cold, but it looks like the next few days might be rainy and warm. It's an improvement, and I'm getting outside between rain showers for some fresh air and exercise.

This short snippet is from Smoke and Sparks, the second book in the Campfire Stories series I hope to start publishing mid-summer. This is from Daryl's POV and he and Vaughn are making out for the first time, in (you guessed it!) a tent:

Oh, God, I was in Heaven. Okay, it was a musty smelling tent and the mattress had lost enough air that I could feel the ground under my back. But when I was a kid my Sunday School teacher said Heaven was the best place. We would be surrounded by beauty and angels would be singing. And they were so singing to me through my staccato heartbeat as it vibrated behind my eardrums, creating a roar that blocked out everything except the small sounds that Vaughn was making. 

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


  1. Heartbreaking blend of sensation and emotion in this snippet! Excellent!

  2. I think I've been in that tent/on that air mattress. Loved the contrast of that with all he finds heavenly in the setting.


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