Rainbow Snippets*-- Cats on a Shelf

The project I'm working on now, Cinders and Ash, is proving difficult. I had considered doing Camp NaNo with the idea of finishing it (I'm barely over 20k at the moment) but with the way my brain's working lately, I knew I was setting myself up to fail. So no Camp for me. I'll just do what I can do. Instead, I've been formatting my Headphones series for paperback. Which has meant learning new skills, which is frustrating but also rewarding.

Cats on a shelf. That's Momma Cat, Peppercorn's grandma, and one of the kits from her latest litter. 

This week's snippet comes from Sunshine Smile: Headphones book 2. Scoey and Jay have gotten trapped in the bar's walk-in freezer. Richard should be back any moment, but in the meantime... (told over the next few weeks.)

          Jay was shaking harder and it worried Scoey. He’d be okay, he knew, but Jay didn’t have an ounce of fat on his frame and his clothes were basically useless–great on a hot August day, but not so good against Polar cold. Scoey couldn’t leave him like that. 
Jay wrapped his thin arms across his front to try and warm himself as he turned away from the door to find Scoey with his shirt unbuttoned. “Whatcha doing?” he asked, trying to put a lightness to his voice so it wouldn’t come out in a stutter. 
“Come here,” was all Scoey said as he put his hands on Jay’s shoulders and turned him. 
“Not sure this is the best place for a little manhandling, but sure, I’ll play,” Jay teased.

The Headphones trilogy is available on Amazon Kindle Unlimited, and now in paperback.


*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


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