Rainbow Snippets*-- Plodding Along

I'm finally making progress on my current WIP, Cinders and Ash. I hit the 40k mark, which feels like I'm in the home stretch. The first two books in the series are 60k and that was my goal for this one, but at this point, I'm going to be happy to hit 50k on the first draft, mainly because I feel like the beta readers are going to give me the kind of feedback that says "You need to add this and this and this." Plus, this book has been such a struggle, I simply want it done!

Flowers from my morning walk. 

This week's snippet is the first of three parts, taken from Headphones: In From the Cold. Because the series has such a large cast, I chose to build my characters' backgrounds using flashbacks instead of dialogue or introspection, which would have created too much narrative, I feared. This is part of Jay's story:

         Scoey relaxed and stood up to get himself a mug of coffee. Their talk turned to chatter, but Jay’s mind wasn’t really on the local gossip. Instead, it was floating back. To another night. To another kiss. 
Jay met him every Tuesday and Thursday as he headed to his afternoon class in Crawford Hall; a twice-weekly passing of two ships that turned into a quick smile and muttered hello that graduated into actual conversations in the student lounge. Brad was witty and charming, a senior in his last semester with a job already lined up and plans to complete his Masters after he had some experience in his field. One day he casually mentioned a pub that he liked to frequent. It was a non-invitation that sounded very much like an invitation.

(to be continued)

The Headphones Trilogy, now available on Amazon KU and in paperback. 

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


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