Rainbow Snippets*-- And the Beat Goes On

I was born in the '60s so my earliest memories of the early '70s comes in snapshots. It was a fascinating time and I wish I had more than vague recollections. I did research while writing When Silverfish Dance (as we all do) and so much happened that I, as a young child, was unaware of. Plus, just trying to remember if Mr. Coffee and Sit-and-Spin were things in 1973 was interesting. 


Still snipping from When Silverfish Dance --Part 4 of 4 (read part 1 here, part 2 here and part 3 here.)  Barry is reflecting on the man he met the night before at a club. He'd slipped him his phone number and was surprised when the man actually called. This is his thoughts after he hangs up. I also should note, the story takes place in 1973. (This is from the first draft, so please pardon any rough spots or typos!)

He gave a shake to clear his head. It was a thought for another day because he couldn’t loll around in bed thinking about clothes and men who reminded him of comic book heroes. His afternoon at the salon was fully booked. If it continued like this, he might be able to give up his night-time adventures. His last bank statement had made him smile. It wouldn’t be long if his luck held. Maybe he’d take a vacation, fly to Florida and scout out Miami, check out some property while he was there. 
But with a sigh, he untangled the blankets and rose, still rubbing his sore crotch. He needed to get ready for work. “Start the coffee, then shower,” he said aloud to himself as he padded down the hall. A quick wank under warm water to start his day, and then maybe tonight he’d dig out his old Fantastic 4 comic books for the sheer hell of it.

Whether it’s fate or coincidence, banker Morgan Davis and hairdresser-- and sometimes con-man-- Barry Hunt's lives have become intertwined. An unexpected act of violence finds them planning revenge and thrusts them into a strange whirlwind of adventure and heartbreak. When Silverfish Dance is the story of two men in 1973 Chicago with absolutely nothing in common, but who are thrown together on a journey that moves them from being acquaintances to allies to lovers and, ultimately, to friends.

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


  1. He's turning out to be a nicely rounded character...I'm both liking and emphasizing with him more and more...


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