Rainbow Snippets*-- One Month Closer to Sunshine

I think January 2021 must have been about 60 days long— or at least, that's the way it's felt. I wonder how long February will be? I've spent the week on edits. I'm itching to do some writing, but I can't decide what project I want to concentrate on. I guess that's a writer's problem, if there ever was one!

Florida dreaming. I want beaches and sunshine. 

This week's snippet is a continuation from last week and is taken from the prologue from Smoke and Sparks, told from Daryl's POV. (part 3 of ?-- read part one here and part two here)  

As it was, I froze when a surprised Ben stepped out of his camper, followed by an auburn-haired man. A very nervous, flushed, auburn-haired man. But who wouldn’t be nervous, when confronted by a dozen strangers gathered at the door, staring, all agog?

“Ben's gay?” was my first thought. “We shouldn’t be here,” was my second. And, “Oh My God! They were totally having sex in there!” was my third thought as I noticed Ben’s disheveled hair and clothing. Huh. I never would have dreamed Cherry was a nickname for a man named Charles. 

I’d kissed a few girls, sat next to them at basketball games, even held their hands. Yet, I’d never felt that spark, that excitement my friends talked about. But watching Ben with his… boyfriend?... well, that was exciting. 

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


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