Rainbow Snippets*--Hot Summer Days

It's been a hot week! We finally got the leak in our pool patched (hopefully) and got it filled, so that's been my plus for the week. But the heat has also meant I've not been able to sleep, even with the A/C on. Or, I'm going to blame it on the heat. It's probably just my post-menopausal brain. On the upside, I discovered books narrated by celebrities on YouTube last night and listened to one by Tom Hiddleston. Who doesn't want Loki to read them a goodnight story?

bright flowers on a foggy morning

I've been working on a new project. Actually, I've been bouncing back and forth between two. My working title for this one is Three Times Better (it's M/M/M), which will possibly change as I get farther into it. The story is third person and will include all three characters' POVs at different times. I've rewritten the opening paragraphs several times, trying to decide who's POV to start with. This is what I'm leaning towards at the moment: 

       It was all smoothness and velvet, the way the music melded with the darkness on the dance floor. For Milo, it was a spiritual state of being he could lose himself to as he danced with his arms raised and his head thrown back. It was a busy night at the club, with a press of people throwing themselves into the weekend, moving to their own rhythms as they brushed against him—whispers of cloth against cloth, bodies against bodies. The other dancers were heat against his skin, acidic sweat in his nose, a hazy mass that he was a part of, even while he was separate. He shifted, centering his weight in his pelvis, barely moving his feet as he let his hips and shoulders direct the glide of his hands through the air.
      He danced for no one but himself. Except, that wasn’t the exact truth. No, Milo also danced for the shadowy man leaning against the wall...

(working blurb)

It doesn’t surprise Chris that he and Scott fall back into old habits—or back into bed, to be more specific—when he returns to his hometown after ten years away. Best friends since grade school, they’d been each other’s firsts for everything important. What surprises him is the pull he feels for the young man who seduced him on a night out at a local bar. 

There’s a joke amongst Scott’s friends that his house is fitted with a revolving front door. He doesn’t deny it. He likes sex, and he likes variety. He’s happy, and his lovers, both men and women, leave happy. But with Chris staying with him until he gets settled, he puts a moratorium on the swinging door. Except for Milo. For some reason, he can’t turn the young man away.

Having grown up in a town where he and his mom are called trailer-trash, 20-year-old Milo’s life hasn’t been easy. He has every reason to be angry and resentful, and yet, he remains optimistic, fun, and determined. Scott has been his friend and mentor, despite their age difference. He’s come to rely on the older man to be his safe place, but he has to wonder if the new guy is going to change all of that. The fact that he and Chris have an instant connection only confuses him further.

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


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