Rainbow Snippets*--Time Waits for No One

Where has the year gone? I'm not ready for the holidays at all. I wish I could say I look forward to cooler weather, but it just feels gloomy to me. And I feel closed in. We were lucky to have a mild enough summer that we didn't have to run the air conditioner much. I really prefer when the windows are open. But it's here, so I guess I need to change my attitude and try to enjoy it!

My Headphones trilogy covers one year in the life of a group of friends. Book 3, Fall Out, is September through the new year. Today's snippet is the beginning of November, roughly in the middle of the book. Headphones is reflecting on how quickly the year has gone by as she walks.

The brittle leaves still hanging on the oak trees rattled around Headphones as the occasional gusts of wind blew her hair across her face. The trees were patchworks of fall colors–evergreens still wearing their green while some of the hardwoods were red and yellow, with many already naked and settled into their winter hibernation. It had been a damp day with thick fog rising with the dawn and mist that turned into a light almost-drizzle. But it finally cleared and the leaves swirled and spun in front of her. The neighbor’s lazy yellow cat sat on the porch, watching as she passed by, kicking up leaves in her wake. Snow flurries would eddy in the air soon. When had November happened? 

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


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