Rainbow Snippets*-- Writers Gotta Write

I've been mainly editing for the last few weeks, but I've managed a few words on Fangs for the Memories, my vampire project. (Because, even when editing, writers gotta write! Am I right?) I've decided taking a short story and making it into a full novel is harder than it looks. I had this idea that I was going to write a few more shorts to add to it-- quick and easy. That's not how it's playing out, at all. Silly me. I just hope, when it's done, it's coherent. 

Afternoon walk at the nature center.

Alex, the central vampire of the novel, has become involved with a young man, not quite out of his teens yet. For anyone who didn't read my "Alex becomes a vampire" thread from my summer entries, Artie is his sire.

Play, but don’t get attached.”
         That’s what Artie had said when he caught on to how much time I was spending with Rollie, and the comment was replaying itself in my thoughts as I drove through town towards the University. It was disconcerting, because Artie saw the same thing that Sally did. I’d denied it, but maybe they were right. I couldn’t even explain it to myself. He was barely an adult with his twentieth birthday still several weeks away. If I believed in past lives, I’d imagine some romantic notion of us being soulmates searching for each other across our various lives, and finally coming back together. I chuckled at that fanciful thought, but it was still sobering, when I realized how attached, to use Artie’s word, I’d become.

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


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