Rainbow Snippets*-- Hurrah for Quiet Days

It's here! All the work of the last month (or more) and it culminates in this one day. Since the kids were little, we've spent Christmas at home, and now that they're grown, it's become a low-key day. I make a nice lunch simply because I like to cook, and normally my folks come and eat with us unless they're spending the day with one of my step-brothers. Last year, for the first time, my daughter wasn't able to come home, but this year she's here. That's the best present, really, having my husband and my kids all together. 

I'm snipping again from Cut Shot. Last week Ian got a text from Jed, asking if they can meet, and Ian is ready to escape the family Christmas celebration after a day of togetherness. (I think we can all relate!) I've jumped ahead a few paragraphs from last week's snippet. We aren't having a white Christmas here in southern Illinois, but Ian and Jed are having one in their fictional Iowa town:

Trading his thin shoes for boots, Ian grabbed his coat, remembering a hat this time, and slipped out the back door. The sun was down, but the streetlights cast a glow that bounced around and expanded across the fresh snow. It gave the impression of a million tiny stars reflected from the sky spread across the ground. It wasn’t so cold as to be uncomfortable, but it was a dry cold and the snow crunched under his feet, creating a lone echo in the near silent night. There was laughter and goodbyes followed by the slam of car doors in the distance. Christmas day was winding down for everyone.

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


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