Rainbow Snippets*-- Corndogs and Cotton Candy

It's fair week! As a kid, I was always so excited when the county fair came to town, but it was also bitter sweet because it meant the end of summer was near. As an adult, it means extra work at the store as we do our best to make sure the food stands are well supplied. And there have been years in the past when I worked at different booths, disrupting the rhythm of the entire week. I still get excited by it, though. 

So I'm going to go eat a corndog and an elephant's ear, drink a lemon shakeup, and pet a goat. And since I only live six blocks from the grounds, each night I'm going to listen to tractor-pulls, the demo derby, and country singers I'm not familiar with!

This week's snippet comes from Fangs for the Memories, my current WIP. I'm going to publish this on Vella and it's written anthology style from the different characters' POVs. This is vampire Alex's POV. Rollie is the first human he's been involved with romantically since his change, and they've just shared their first kiss: 

[Rollie] pushed my hair back and ran his fingers over my lips as if he was relearning them. “I love you.” 

His whisper caught me off-guard. Still, without thinking, I said it back and knew there was truth in it and that this was where my happiness came from. I’d not felt it since Sally. And even though I still loved her, that love was tangled with sadness over the years we’d lost. But this, with Rollie, this was new. This was fresh and full of potential. 

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*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


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