Rainbow Snippets*--Dragonflies and Vampires

It's been a busy week. But then again, when is it not? Between the day job and the cookie business, my writing time has been limited. But I did manage to finish a chapter in Fangs for the Memories that was suggested (strongly) by my beta readers. I hope it fills the hole I'd left in the book. 

My walking time has been limited, but I've been able to fit a few in. This little one sat long enough for me to get a few pictures! 

In this scene, Alex is letting his attention wander instead of listening to his sire. They've had a stressful week and both are grouchy. To make it worse, Alex has been getting the cold shoulder from his mortal lover:

After I snapped once again at Artie over some insignificant detail, he slammed his open hand onto the table and I jumped as the sound ricocheted around the room like a bullet. “Enough!”  

I moved my jaw but nothing came out.

“Close your mouth, boy. You’re not a fish! I need your attention here, not mooning over some warmblood.”

“I’m not mooning.” I was so completely mooning–even I could hear the poutiness in my voice.

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*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


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