Rainbow Snippets*-- Happy July

This week was sort of a bust, writing wise. Baking for the Farmers Market is taking much of my time, and I had out-of-State family visiting. Plus, I was waiting for beta reader feedback. That always seems to put me on still-pause. But everyone got back with me very quickly, so no more excuses!

Fireworks at Walt Disney World (2018). Best display ever!

This weekend's snippet comes from Fangs for the Memories, and is (vampire) Artemis's inner thoughts about Alex, a hippy hitch hiker he's picked up on his travels. This may change before the final edit as I try to express that Artemis is asexual. But it's 1969 and the word hasn't come into use yet, so he really doesn't have a way to explain it–to himself or anyone else:

I was drawn to him and had been since the moment I spotted him at the side of the road. Was it simply his appearance? He was striking with his flowing white hair and sharp cheekbones. There was a delicacy to him, as if he was spun glass. I found him precious, but it wasn’t sexual attraction. That was something that I’d never really felt with anyone, even during the years before I’d changed. I’d never married, nor fathered children. But I’d had nieces and nephews to dote on. And over the years, I’d been a mentor to many like me that had been changed and abandoned. It had been…enough. 

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*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


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