Rainbow Snippets*–Fangs for Everything

I doubt it's the kind of thing most people even notice, but I changed the title of Fangs for the Memories to Fangs for Everything. It's been something I've been considering for a while because a quick Amazon search pulled up more than a dozen books with the title I'd been using. Ugh! The problems writers have. 
One of my favorite pictures I took this week. I went out hoping to photograph butterflies, I came home with a camera full of dragonflies!

From Fangs for Everything. It's 1969 and vampire Artemis has found himself at Woodstock with a couple of hippy hitchkikers. He's just woken from his day sleep in the back of his panel truck to find Alex sitting next to him:

    I could hear people close by and music feeding through the stage speakers, but no rain. “It quit raining?”
“For the moment. But it’s cool. Everyone's hanging loose. I mean, there’s so much love out there. There’s people from everywhere.” Alex spread his arms over his head, swaying with wonder on his face. “And they’re all just grooving to the music. It’s beautiful, man. You gotta get up and come see.”
“You’re high.” I wasn’t being accusatory, but simply making an observation.
“The entire world’s tripping, man.”

The first five episodes of Fangs for Everything is now available on Amazon Vella. The first three episodes are free and you can collect free tokens as a new reader.

Links to everything: @sadiejaywrites | Linktree

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


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