Rainbow Snippets*– I'm Back!

My summer consisted of cookies. So many cookies! I have a home baking business and I got invited to do the Farmers Market this summer. Between that and my day job, my writing time shrunk to about an hour a day. Forget social media–I barely was able to squeeze in marketing. But yesterday was the last market of the season, so I'm back for the winter! 

From my current WIP, Fangs for Everything. Oakley has found his life twisted up with the Fang Goodness bartender, Tim, who he's come to realize was a famous skate boarder in the 1990s. He's not overjoyed about it. Told from Oakley's POV:

I flicked through two dozen Grindr profiles and then conceded I was too tired to make a genuine effort. If I dreamed about guys with skateboards, maybe it’s not hugely surprising. And if the Tim in my dreams looked like the sun-kissed Timothy Salvo from my brother’s posters instead of the surly Bartender Tim I knew, it was just the way dreams worked. If Bartender Tim’s hands and body starred in my wank-bank fantasies when I took a shower, well, that’s how wank-bank fantasies worked. All perfectly normal. 

Want more? Fangs for Everything is now available on Amazon Vella

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*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


  1. A fun snippet. I always like characters with a hard exterior and a soft, squishy interior. I suspect Tim may be hiding a squishy interior. Tweeted the post.


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