Rainbow Snippets*--Got Those January Blues

Last weekend of January–I hope that means I'll pop out of these January blues I've been swimming in. Maybe my body (and mind) just needed a rest after the bustle of last year? Whatever the reason, I don't feel like I've accomplished much of my To Do list. Anyone else feel that way? 

snow on bush in my yard
The snow was so wet, it sounded like rain and melted within hours. Still, I'm glad it was a day I could stay in. 

We all read advice blogs that say "don't have a character describe themselves by looking in a mirror," although I'm sure we've all done it at least once! So, in Like Cracks in the Sidewalk, I let Val describe James like this (told from James' POV):

   Shocked silent. Apparently, that’s a real thing, because I couldn’t speak. Over the years I’d let myself get scruffy and unkempt, subconsciously trying to discourage the women Mom kept bringing around. And here was Val, describing my too skinny self as rugged. 
   He saw the play of confusion cross my face and somehow knew exactly what I was thinking. He placed one finger under my chin, tilting my face up to his. “Ah, babe, you do it on purpose, don’t you?” He kissed me, light and chaste. “The clothes. The hair. You look like you've just rolled out of bed. That’s why the girls at the clubs circle you. You stand out. Curls that look like someone’s been running their fingers through them.” He ran his fingers through my hair mimicking his own words. “The stubble. I’ve wondered for months how it would feel against my skin.” He purred, moving his face against mine in a catlike gesture. “How could I not notice you? How could I not want you?”

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*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


  1. Wow! Oh, and I feel the same way about the busy last year! I'm being a little slothful this month!

  2. Now this is the way to describe characters!


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