Rainbow Snippets*–Gloomy Days

January is not a good month for me. I don't know if it's "coming down" from the holidays, or the lack of sun, or the cold. Probably all of those things! I was hoping to use this month to get a jump on editing and possibly starting a new book. What I'm actually doing is reading a lot. But that's not a bad thing. Right? Which doesn't mean I'm not accomplishing anything. Just not as much as I'd like.

bare tree limbs across a dark sky
My January mood! 

This week I'm snipping from my current project, Like Cracks in the Sidewalk

James made sure Val got home okay after an incident the night before. He slept on the couch and he's the first up the next morning. He's poked his head into Val's room, checking to see if he's still asleep. Told from James' POV: 

Val's hair was fanned out across his shoulders and hid the slice of his face not buried in his pillow. Enough light filtered in through the windows for me to see that he’d gone to bed wearing a white t-shirt and a dark pair of boxers.
I studied the shape of his bare legs. I was skinny, all straight muscle and sinew and jutting bones, with thighs that I could wrap my hands around. No matter how much I ate, the calories wouldn’t stick. Val, on the other hand, was thicker. His thighs were solid and his calves curved down into slim ankles. Even from 15 feet away, I could see the dark blond hairs on his legs matched the fine dusting on his arms. The loose shirt had worked up enough that a strip of his lower back and the rounded slope of his nylon-covered ass were visible in the sunlight. I simply watched him breathe for a full minute, but then Val muttered in his sleep and tossed his head around to face the wall, startling me and interrupting my slightly pervy ogling, and I withdrew as quietly as I could.

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*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


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