Rainbow Snippets*– Unofficial Hiatus Over

I took a break, but (hopefully) I'm back. I got over busy getting ready for vacation, then I went on vacation, and now I'm still trying to get caught up after going on vacation! Why does it feel like more work to leave for a couple of weeks than it would if we just stayed home? But I got to spend time with my bestie who lives five States away, so I can't regret it! 

Sunrise over Nevis. 

This week's snippet is from the project I'm editing, Like Cracks in the Sidewalk. James and his best friend Molly are at a dance club and she gets her first look at Val, a man she's heard of but never met. The book starts in 1995 and is from James' POV: 

“Wait! That’s Val?” Molly exclaimed, her voice pitching up into an almost-squeal. She looked like she’d discovered a secret I’d purposely kept hidden.

Val wasn’t a secret, exactly. Maybe he was more of a guilty pleasure.

The flashy guy was everywhere. He should have been nothing more than a bit of fluff mixed in with the masses, with his Kurt Cobain hair and sleeveless band t-shirts. Really, he was no different than any of the other young studs that cruised the club scene, but his angular face and the way he carried himself, self-assured and confident, somehow imprinted itself onto my retinas, and I always found him in the crowd.

“He’s the one you wrote the article about? The one that almost got you fired? That Val?”

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*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


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