Rainbow Snippets*--May Flowers

It's Mother's Day weekend in the US, so this week's snippet mentions my MC's mother. In some of my books, the parents are loving and accepting, and in some they aren't. In my current WIP, James mom is a little too involved in her son's life. But she does it from a place of love. And she gets over it!

Lilacs from my front yard.I'm always so happy to see them.

This week's snippet again comes from Like Cracks in the Sidewalk. James off-handedly invites Val to brunch with his mom, and it doesn't go quite as he'd expected. Told from James' POV:

Val stood in front of me wearing a western-style shirt tucked into ass-enhancing boot-cut jeans, complemented by a customized leather belt and matching cowboy boots. His hair was tucked behind his ears and crowned by a wide-brimmed hat. God, he looked good.
"Damn!” I said as I squirmed on the chair, hoping Val wouldn't notice, but his leer proved I’d hidden nothing from him. I shoved his coffee across the table, taking deep breaths as I doubted my wisdom in inviting him to brunch. “It’s not that fancy of a place.”
He sipped from the coffee mug and smiled his thanks. “You’re taking me to meet your mother. It’s a big deal.” And for a moment, I had a silent freak-out. Taking him to ‘meet my mother’? Was that what I was doing? Whether I was or not, that was his interpretation. And he was exquisitely happy, so who was I to deny it?

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*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


  1. I always love meeting the parents scenes. Often deliciously awkward, always meaningful. ❤️

  2. Meeting the parents is always so tense


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