Rainbow Snippets*-- The Mystery of Val

June was a busy month, and July started the same way. But I think (hope) things are going to slow down now. It's funny how, even as I approach 60, I still expect summer to be like it was when I was in school—fun and relaxing. No, it's busy and I have to steal my moments. But those moments, spent in the sun, are so worth it. (Yes, I'm still a summer gal.)

a collection of rainbow painted rocks.
Painted rocks at the Nature Center. 

This week's snippet, from Like Cracks in the Sidewalk, is a tad longer than normal and there is a warning for self-harm. It's early in James' and Val's relationship. Val is a mystery to James for a long time, little bits of his history making their way into the story. From James POV: 

I took my time patting the towel across Val's chest, pressing the material against his skin in a slow wave. When his chest and arms were rosy and dry, I dropped to my knees to continue my task below the curve of his waist. The material was sodden enough to leave a film of moisture, but I picked up the largest beads of water that had gathered in the hills and hollows of his body. His breath hitched when I found the cross-hatch of scars on his right thigh, white with age. How had I not noticed before? Except, during our times together, I hadn’t been looking, I’d only been feeling. 
Val’s eyes watered, and the corners of his mouth dipped down. I had to avert my gaze from his pain. Leaning forward, I softly kissed the furrows. The slash-marks were rough against my lips as my breath mingled with the moisture still on his skin. His fingers found their way into my hair and I didn’t move until the urge to cry faded. I was afraid to look up, afraid to see that maybe he hadn’t been able to hold back, but he tipped my head with a gentle tug. He was smiling, small and a little sad, but his eyes were dry and I hurried to rub the towel over his calves and feet to finish my job.

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*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


  1. The tenderness here is so compelling


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