Rainbow Snippets*—Another Month Gone

It's been a long, hot week. Not much more to say beyond that! But wow, where did July go? I've been so busy, I've barely even noticed it. 

Dragonfly on one of my rare nature walks this month.

Like Cracks in the Sidewalk is, at its heart, a second chance romance. Today's snippet is the first night James stays with Val after they ran into each other earlier in the day—not for sexy times, but because Val was having a panic attack and called James, who naturally came to help. Told from James' POV:

I carefully rolled away from him. There should have been a strangeness to it, being in that room again, being in that bed. There should have been a more alien quality to being there, and yet it was the most natural thing. In the daylight I could see the posters I’d left, forgotten, still hanging on the walls. As I looked closer, there were other pieces of me spread throughout the room. There was my Texas Longhorns cap hanging on a hook, and on the dresser sat the stuffed teddy bear I’d bought for Val our first Christmas, simply because he’d never had one. Even my favorite mug was on the nightstand, half full with what might have been hot tea. He’d kept bits of me where he could see and use them, and a tightness formed in my chest as I looked around.

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*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


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