Rainbow Snippets–Still Baking

It's been a non-stop bake-a-thon this summer. I think I've probably overdone it, except I rarely bring much home after each Saturday's Farmers Market. Unfortunately, it hasn't left much time for writing. I'm still editing this book that should have been published months ago. Sigh. But I'll get there eventually!

Cookies on display at Farmers Market
Part of this weekend's Farmers Market set-up. 

Snipping from Like Cracks in the Sidewalk. Val has a lot of insecurities, and it affects his and James' relationship. It's there, from the beginning, but James doesn't catch on until it's too late. The book is single POV from James' side of things, but I've done my best to let Val's personality show through:

    “I gotta get started.” Val twisted away, but with a quick spin, he grabbed my wrist and took another sip from my mug, intentionally letting his fingers slip into my sleeve, and the touch was as sultry as his gaze. “So you’re staying?” he asked, as if he needed the reassurance.
    “Figured you might need a bodyguard again,” I quipped, and his grasp tightened for a moment before he turned me loose and darted back up the steps to the stage. I claimed a stool at the end of the bar and watched the magic that was Val in front of an audience. Since college, I’d attended countless concerts and danced to dozens of deejays, but no one played an audience the way Valentine Reynolds did.

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*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


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