Rainbow Snippets*—A Little More From "Cracks"

I keep asking myself, "Is Like Cracks in the Sidewalk a Romance or not?" I'm the author—I should know! It was meant to be, when the inspiration came to me. But it doesn't follow the normal beats of a Romance and I probably won't tag it as such when I publish it. But my books always have a happy-ever-after, and this book is no exception! 

red berries against a fall landscape

No explanation for this snippet, just some of James' thoughts when he and Val get back together:

     I’d forgotten how all-encompassing being with Val was, this meeting of souls or whatever poetic mythos people used to label it. It was more than the need to climax. It was the unrelenting need to fuse together, to expand beyond our skin and bone containers until we became that perfect harmony of angel song.
Suddenly, it all came together and for the first time, I could see it clearly. Before we’d met, we’d both been searching for that single flawless melody, one that was all perfect pitch and crystal clarity. Searching for a way to explain every emotion, to express it in sound, where it could be consumed and assimilated. We’d searched for it, and we’d found it. And then we got scared and threw it away.

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*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


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